Monday, 27 July 2015


i have a habit of not finishing my art work. the only time i've ever completed a piece is in class when i have to. the day finally came. i finished a canvas! 


IG: @crtnywng

i painted the stripes in watercolour as the base a while back and later added the "GREEN" and the trees at the bottom with an oil paint. when i came up with the concept i thought this would be enough but looking at it, i then knew it wasn't. i set aside the piece and let it dry for weeks, unsure of what i had to do to make it look right. i'd been seeing a lot more basquiat online and decided i wanted to incorporate words the way he did. instead of using words all over, i chose to write a poem for the top section. i wrote several poems but none of them seemed to work for this specific piece. one night, i stared at the canvas for a while and repeating the word "green" over and over in my head. that's when the above flowed out. i typed it out as quick as i could in my notes, in case i forgot. the next day, i defined the trees, outlined the lettering and wrote out the poem all in sharpie. when i was done, i felt a feeling i'd never felt before. it was a good feeling. indescribable. i was proud of myself so left it out in my room so i could admire it at any time. my mum walked in and examined. i was nervous. although she knows i love art and creating, she's never discussed it with me or really complimented my work before. this time, she said she loved it and wanted to display it. i said she could have it to hang in her living room, where any guests could see it. i thought i'd felt good before, just for completing something but to have my mum's approval felt even better. i guess it's like the adult equivalent of coming home from school and having her stick your painting to the fridge. i'm rambling now... so i'll close this with letting you know that this is the first but not the last colour themed piece. i plan to have a full collection completed by the end of the year. 

thank you for reading.